03 — Web scraping & APIs

I can haz all the data.


April 26, 2023

Whole lotta’ boxes.

Slack channel: #03-web-scraping-api

This week is about data that is all around us online, but not easily accessible through csv files or similar. Instead, while it is visible in plain side, we sometimes need to scrape information from websites.

Lecture slides

Morning session slides

View full screen Download as pdf


Here’s the code we wrote during the afternoon session:

# scraping international ikea websites
# 230426

# set path to wd ----
wdir <- getwd()
dir.create(file.path(wdir, "temp"), showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(file.path(wdir, "output"), showWarnings = FALSE)

# libraries ----

# structure of ikea links ----
# https://www.ikea.com/de/de/p/billy-buecherregal-weiss-00263850/
# https://www.ikea.com/fr/fr/p/billy-bibliotheque-blanc-00263850/
# https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/billy-bookcase-white-00263850/

# https://www.ikea.com/de/de/search/products/?q=00263850
# https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/search/products/?q=00263850
# https://www.ikea.com/ca/fr/search/products/?q=00263850
# https://www.ikea.com/dk/da/search/products/?q=00263850

# custom functions ----
possibly_fromJSON = purrr::possibly(fromJSON, otherwise = NA)
possibly_html_element = purrr::possibly(html_element, otherwise=NA)

# download regions ----
regions = readLines("https://www.ikea.com/global/en/shared-data/regions.js") #read the content of the page into a vector of character strings
regions = str_remove(regions, "window\\['regions\\-10bpdvv'\\] \\= ") 
regions = fromJSON(regions)
regions = regions %>% unnest(cols = "localizedSites")
regions = regions[, .(code, isoCode3, language, languageCode, url)]

# subset to the "easy" ones (rest for practice at home) ----
regions = regions[!isoCode3 %in% c("THA", "GRC", "ISL",
                                    "TUR", "CYP", "NZL",
                                    "CHL", "SGP", "BGR", "COL")]
regions = regions[!(isoCode3 %in% c("RUS") | isoCode3 %in% "UKR") & languageCode!="RU"] 

# iterate over localized sites ----
for (i in 1:nrow(regions)) {
    cat(i, "-", regions[i]$url, "\n")

    # set country, language and file path
    country = regions[i]$code %>% str_to_lower()
    language = regions[i]$languageCode %>% str_to_lower()
    file_path = str_c("temp/", country, "-", language, ".html")

    # download html if necessary, then read
    if (!file.exists(file_path)) {
        download.file(str_c(regions[i]$url, "search/products/?q=00263850"), destfile = file_path)
    page_search = read_html(file_path)
    # extract html element with price and currency info
    page_element = page_search %>%
        possibly_html_element("#art_00263850 > div > div.card-body > div > div.itemPriceBox > div > p > span")
    if (!is.na(page_element)) {
        page_price = page_element %>% html_attr("data-price") %>% as.numeric()
        page_currency = page_element %>% html_children() %>% html_text()

    # in many cases we need to fetch the information from a json (that is then rendered locally if viewed in browser)
    page_json = possibly_fromJSON(str_c("https://sik.search.blue.cdtapps.com/", country, "/", language, "/", "search-result-page?max-num-filters=8&q=00263850"))

    if (!is.na(page_json[1])) {

        # subset to price data.frame
        page_json = page_json$searchResultPage$products$main$items$product$salesPrice

        # in some countries billies have a different product number, so we just search for "billy" and pick first entry. probably error-prone
        if (length(page_json) == 0) {
            page_json = possibly_fromJSON(str_c("https://sik.search.blue.cdtapps.com/", country, "/", language, "/", "search-result-page?max-num-filters=1&q=billy"))
            page_json = page_json$searchResultPage$products$main$items$product$salesPrice[1,]

        # extract price
        page_price = page_json$numeral %>%
            str_remove_all(" ") %>%

        # extract currency from prefix or suffix
        page_currency = page_json$currencyCode %>% str_trim()
    # save price and currency to regions data.frame
    cat("price: ", page_price, "- currency: ", page_currency, "\n")
    regions[i, price := page_price]
    regions[i, currency := page_currency]


# get exchange rates ----
data_xr = read_html("https://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/policy_and_exchange_rates/euro_reference_exchange_rates/html/index.en.html")
data_xr = data_xr %>%
  html_node("#main-wrapper > main > div.jumbo-box > div.lower > div > div > table") %>%

# first two digits of currency code are equal to iso3 codes, good for merging
data_xr = data_xr[, .(currency=Currency, spot = Spot)]

# Recode suffix into currency code
regions[currency == "$", currency := "USD"]
regions[currency == "RD$", currency := "DOP"]

# merge data ----
data = merge(regions,
             by = "currency",
             all.x = T)

# within euro exchange rate is 1
data[currency == "EUR", spot := 1]

# compute relative prices to USD
data[, price := as.numeric(price)]
data[, price_rel := price / data[url == "https://www.ikea.com/de/de/", price]]

# plots ----

## scatter plot xr vs price ----
plot_data = data[!is.na(price_rel) & !is.na(spot), .(code, price_rel, spot)] %>% unique()
plot_data[, country := countrycode(code, "iso2c", "country.name")]
plot_data[, ratio := price_rel / spot]

plot = ggplot(plot_data) +
  theme_minimal() +
  geom_point(aes(x = price_rel, y = spot, color = ratio)) +
  geom_text_repel(aes(x = price_rel, y = spot, label = country)) +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0) +
  scale_color_viridis_c() +
  scale_x_log10("Relative price") +
  scale_y_log10("Exchange rate")

    filename = str_c(wdir, "output/relative_billy_prices.png"),
    width = 20,
    height = 20,
    units = "cm")

## histogram ----
plot = ggplot(plot_data) +
  theme_minimal() +
  geom_bar(aes(x = reorder(country, ratio), y = ratio, fill = ratio),
           stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  xlab("Country") +
  scale_y_continuous("Ratio") +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
    filename = str_c(wdir, "output/ratio_prices.png"),
    width = 20,
    height = 20,
    units = "cm")

We get these two wonderful plot:

Exchange rates vs. relative prices of Billy cupboards

Ratio of exchange rates and relative prices of Billy cupboards

Note that we dropped some countries because of some missing data for the exchange rates, but for now: ¯_(ツ)_/¯